Do You Muse???? “Deplorables”

Clayton Virgil
4 min readSep 30, 2020


You remember when #45 ran for office and won? Something you probably want to forget right now.

Part of his victory was driven by his uncanny ability to manipulate others into believing everything he says. His campaign was heavily reliant on calling out the Democratic party for ignoring the everyday man, calling them “deplorables” and faking that he will fight for them.


adjective disgraceful. shameful. dishonorable. disreputable. discreditable. shabby.

#45 openly shouted the word off the mountaintop to galvanize a group of citizens who felt that both the Democrats and the American dream left them behind. Those individuals took to the rural roads and concrete streets of middle America to share their undying admiration for someone who declared “I’m on your side”.

Except that he’s not on your side. Not yours. Not anyone’s (maybe except the person funding all his efforts from a country that rhymes with Crusher)

To those who he called “Deplorables”, on behalf of all Americans, I apologize. It’s a shame that he’s used this term to describe you. You are citizens who want the same things that were promised to those living in this country: liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness. You worked tooth and nail to hopefully make an honest living and create some opportunities for yourself and those that follow. Unfortunately, when he rallied all of you around his soundbite mantras (“Lock Her Up. Build The Wall. Make America Great Again”), he was trying to blind you and cover up for those who are truly deplorable individuals, using your vote not to help you but to only take care of themselves.


Who does this word truly describe?

A man who once called the President “jackass,” “kook,” “crazy” and “unfit for office” before the 2016 election is now showering him with praises and doing his bidding, including rushing to have a confirmation hearing for the SCOTUS seat left vacant due to the untimely passing of the honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg. He also staunchly defended the placement of Brett Cavanaugh during his SCOTUS confirmation hearing while lambasting Senate Democrats for making every effort to fully vet Cavanaugh before he receives a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.

A man who refuses to restore the full power of the Voting Rights Act, making every effort to block the vote even though 48 senators have called on him to allow the vote to take place. It’s clear to him that a fully operational VRA would enable and empower all eligible citizens in his beloved state of Kentucky to potentially vote him out of office as well as other GOP congressmen and women whose tenure could come to an end on November 3rd. He also blocked Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016, citing that “any appointment by the sitting president to be null and void” and the next president should have the opportunity to nominate the next appointee. A full-blown hypocrite, he fully supports Trump’s recent nomination even though he is up for reelection in 40 days, compared to Obama’s 8 months left before the election.

A man who uses his power as the attorney general to subvert any

investigations into allegations brought up again the president, including Russian interference and obstruction of justice, while distorting the facts and findings of the investigation. Not that this is new for this AG. As a partisan enforcer, his legal advice shaped the various abuses of the first Bush administration, including the decision to kill off the Iran-Contra investigation by pardoning everyone involved. Again, a man whose allegiance will push him to do whatever it takes to protect the party, not the country.

So my fellow Americans. “Deplorable” should have never been given to you as a badge of honor. It’s just a symbol of dishonor and deceit. Manipulation of existing laws and structures to ensure that a power grab stays within reach. Attempts to demolish equity and fairness. Continuing reinforcement of racism and white supremacy in a country that struggles with taking steps to acknowledge and heal.

It doesn’t describe you at all.

It describes them. Those people who relish power and influence and will do whatever it takes to get it.

Even if you suffer for it.


Side note: I completed this article well in advance of last night’s presidential debate. While I didn’t watch most of the debate (I had a good sense of what it would look like), watching clips of Trump having a visceral reaction to the request of condemning white supremacy and instead asking a white supremacy group to “stand back and stand by” further confirms that he is King Deplorable. The cries for “Vote Him Out” should be the only ones being shouted from the mountaintops. Our country’s future depends on it.

