Do You Muse???? Citizens Under Fire

Clayton Virgil
4 min readOct 28, 2020

Recently, Trump signed an executive order to stop diversity programs on college campuses. Let that sink in for a second. In a time where Black and brown people, LGBTQIA folks and (yes) women are experiencing a very blatant attack on their rights and their very existence by the establishment, the leader of the “free” world calls for the elimination of DEI education. While the administration rejoices, the masses suffer.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

As a BIPoC, reading these lines of the Declaration of Independence makes you think that this is clearly a bizarro world where there’s no truth. Rights aren’t considered unalienable. In fact, attacking the rights of those who do not align with the administration both in color and in belief is the new standard.

Black people always hoped that they could to experience a world where basic civil and human rights would be the norm, only to experience the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, continued murders at the hands of police officers and other vigilantes, and ongoing lack of leadership opportunities in major corporations across all industries. The downward trend continues to be evident.

One of the biggest questions that anyone should ask (especially people who are non BiPOC) “why is the concept of Black Lives Matters so offensive?” There’s nothing in the movement’s declaration that states that other lives don’t matter. The collective is trying to focus the broader societal attention on how Black people have been treated in this country throughout history and how it’s important to recognize that, as citizens of the land of the free, we should be treated equally. Simple concept in theory, but for many, it’s difficult in practice. So much that those who oppose the concept are deadly afraid of “losing” their status and position in the food chain.

LGBTQIA rights are under fire as well. The basic right to live is always in question, where members of this community are being murdered left and right without immediate recourse. Because their lifestyle “offends” some people, they have a burning bullseye on their backs.

With the recent passing of RBG, women rights are now up for grabs. As expected by this administration, they seized the opportunity to jam a ultraconservative candidate into the ring and (expecting GOP led Senate committee to operate true to form) confirm her with a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. What this means is……

Roe v Wade is very much in danger. Imagine…. the ability for women to protect themselves and make choices WRT their bodies….. 45+ years of not having the government involved in these decisions….. over.

The gains that women worked so hard to attain and the rights they’ve secured will be reduced to rubble. Thanks for the hard fought battles RBG but this judge who isn’t being properly vetted is ready to throw all your hard work in the toilet.

Side note: 10/27/2020 — I told you they would force her through. Anything to hold on to some form of power and influence.

Affordable Care Act will be dismantled, impacting the healthcare of millions of people, including those of you in the Bible Belt and other parts of middle America. Coverage…. gone.

The rights of nearly 100M BIPoC is up for debate. 50% of the country have their rights being seriously threatened and the potential for the progress made by women over the past century to be completely undone is very real.

We, the people, must view this election much differently than past ones. EVERYTHING is on the line in this one. Rights. Livelihoods. Lives. The way we got here is that people didn’t take the GOP candidate seriously and now he’s in office, undoing decades of shaping the US as a land of opportunity, including his focused attacks on anything that his Black predecessor created for the betterment of the country.

My message to real GOP voters.

Those of you who hold conservative values dear to you. Family values. This is important. Families are truly in danger. Realization of the American dream can disappear for you too. Make no mistake. This administration could care less about you. They will lie, rob, cheat and steal their way to another victory if they can. They assume that by suppressing the votes of the folks I mentioned above and making it difficult to vote, they can win. But if they win…. you will lose. It’s really that simple. They want you to vote for them so that they stay in office and continue to benefit from the lobbyist dollars, laundered money and entrenched power while you struggle with your day to day because of decisions they make.

So it’s your choice.

Preserve the republic or…..

Party over country.

Continued deception.

Rampant chaos from the pandemic.

Ongoing exposure to foreign threats.

It’s not a perfect union but it is what we make it.

Don’t leave America to chance.

